Experience your emotion

Emotions are like waves… they come and go. Find the courage to sit with them awhile… for the emotions to pass, you will need to experience them.#charlesbukowski #dbt #stayinthemoment #beinthemoment #emotionregulation #innerstrength #mentalhealththerapist #selfregulation #bepresent #mentalhealth #mentalhealththerapy #therapy #inspiration #inspirationalquotes


Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday! Something about cuddling up on the couch under the blankets, watching scary movies with loved ones, candles lit, and trick or treaters at the door, is simply is so hyggeligt! (As we say in Danish) Hygge is a Danish concept that doesn’t really have a direct English translation. HyggeContinue reading “Hygge!”

Mind what you eat – your mind will thank you

In my training I learned to screen for medical conditions such as diabetes and hypo/hyperthyroidism prior to beginning therapy with a client – why? Because often times symptoms such as depression and anxiety accompany these conditions. Surely, If a depression is rooted in a medical condition it makes sense to refer the client to doctorContinue reading “Mind what you eat – your mind will thank you”